Wednesday, March 4, 2009

That annoying kid...

Have you ever been in a class in elementary, middle, or high school, when you and the rest of the class were just counting down the last 60 seconds or so, for the bell to ring. When, that one kid, decides to ask the teacher, one of these questions, "Is there any homework Mrs. __________?" or "I don't get it, can you please go over it again?" Most of the time, the answers to these questions is either, "Well, since you asked, I'm sure I could find something for the class to do tonight." It would be even worse when the teacher would try and protect the kid, by saying "It's not his fault, I was going to give homework anyway." The teacher knows damn well that they were not going to give homework.

My favorites were those couple of teachers that also voiced their opinion about the annoying kid. The teacher might sometimes say "Now why would you even ask that? If I was your classmate, I would wanna kick your ass right now. I wasn't planning on giving you guys any homework tonight." I distinctly even remeber one teacher saying "Well, since you wanna ask for homework for the whole class, how about I give you homework and not them."

All in all, those people that always feel the need to ask if there's homework, should have just paid more attention during the actual class so they could have heard if there was any homework.

That's what grindz my gears.

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