Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Flag on the Field...

Have you ever been playing an athletic event and you were just waiting for a break to occur, because you knew you had a beverage in your bag.  As soon as this break occurs, you rush to your bag, and dig out your drink.  You start chugging your drink, when you hear a familiar voice "Yoo, lemme get a tap." Now, you know that you don't want to give up some of your precious drink, however, since this person is your teammate and most likely also your friend, you give him his precious "tap."  However, this dick decides to put his mouth on the bottle to take it.  After he puts his mouth on the bottle, he proceeds to try and hand the bottle back to you.  At this point though, you don't want that ishhh anymore.  So, now, your response is "Naaa, I'm good.  You could keep it."  One must always wonder, did dude really just put his mouth on the bottle on purpose knowing that I was going to let him keep it?

That's what grindz my gears. 

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