Tuesday, March 31, 2009


We live in a heterosexual society.  With that being said, many people don't like saying comment's that may be perceived as homosexual.  So, when someone says a comment that can come off as homosexual, people like to either start, or end the statement with a simple "no homo" or "pause."  However, a lot of people were misinformed.  They believe that once "no homo" or "pause" is said, that the statement is now no longer homosexual.  That is false. What it means, is that although the statement has a gay undertone, you did not mean for it to be portrayed that way.

Also, just a thought.  If we lived in a completely homosexual society, would homosexuals use the phrase "No hetero"?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

What grinds a Crackhead's gears?

Hey world, this is monii && i hope everyone is having a good week. I thought this would make some people laugh and release some stress.
This doesn't grind my gears, but this guy is talking about alot of things that grinds his gears and what he plans to do to solve them. :)

OK. so before you judge this guy, let's look at some of the many topics this guy touches bases on.
1. "crack-a-fella records, and 3 yellow men trillionaire club"-Basically this crackhead is trying to say that crack is taking over and at the end of the day the white men are making the most money out of this.
2. "butt naked wonda, big brother thunda, and the masta blasta"- These three characters are basically crackhead super heroes who want to change the way males think and treat women. This is a crackheads theory of solving the way males treat women. [take note fellas.lol]
3. "pumpkin purple eaters" This is obviously a new drug that he takes. Its not marijuanna but it is cocaine that gets you feeling better than purple haze or any cocaine out there. Its coming to take over the cocaine and purple haze business!



Thursday, March 19, 2009

Just Let This Be A Lesson

Don't mess with a black man.....

Friday, March 13, 2009

AIM'in It.

Why do people say "brb" knowing full and well the not coming back. It's not like I'm sitting there waiting for you're IM or something, but I'm saying though, can we be a little considerate.. sheesh.

Also, wassup with those people that take 10 years to respond to everything you say, but constantly ask you what you doing? NO. The real question is WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Like damn.

And last but not least, those people that answer everything with one word.. either a "yes", "no", "chillen" etc.. If you don't wanna have a conversation please just say so.. cuz these one word answers to every question is just annoying.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

B***h Niggas

I cant stand niggas that snitch. Its an unwritten code in the hood that everyone no matter what race or skin color you are should abide by, just dont do it point blank. Man the fluck up & stop being soft like cottonelle.



College Professors Pt. Duece

Whats the joke with these college professors now a days that don't know what the hell they be talking about, let alone we don't understand what you saying. Homie we in America cut out all the sayings and other folklore lyrics you got, they don't make no sense get to the point and stop beating around the bush. Then you got the professor that are just straight dicks, the ones that feel that they know everything in the world and that nobody else is correct but them. Dont get me wrong their are the ones that are respective to the ideas of others and dont knock on their students voices. 

Now that Grindz My Gears

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Is the glass half full, or half empty?

How can such a simple question, tell you so much about a person.
However, how can "society" say such an in-depth question, have such a simple answer?
Society gives you two choices to choose from.  Half full, or half empty.

However, what if someone doesn't respond with one of those generic answers?
I mean, what if someone was to respond by just drinking what's in the glass, and then asking for more.  What does that answer mean?  Maybe that answer may describe the type of person who doesn't see life like the half full or empty people.  Maybe this person sees life in a completely unique way.  Perhaps this person is someone who doesn't ask questions about where his life is taking him.  This could be the type of person who just takes what life gives him and uses it.  Doesn't ask for anymore, or any less.  

You Good?

Have you ever had a night when you consumed entirely too much liquor, and then you went out and saw a bunch of people you know, but aren't really cool with?  If you have done this, then you probably hated the next week.  Now, the reason you hated this next week is not because you are embarrased about the things you did.  Pshhhh.  You could care less about what you did, you barely remember it.  What probably grindz your gears most about the following week, is the dozens of people who you usually just "hi" and "bye" with, yet, when they see you this time, they need to ask "Yo, you good my dude? You was DONE the other night."  Now, if me and you are friends, then I have no problem with this question/statement.  However, the people who I'm usually just "hi" and "bye" with who now decide to start a conversation with me, by that question/statement.  Why? I mean, I know you weren't just waiting for an opening for a conversation with me.  Did you think that you asking me that was just the right thing to do?
How you gon' run up on someone you don't even really talk to like "Yo, son, you was O.D twisted the other night.  You good now?" Me and you both know damn well you don't really care about my well being.  Also, why would you ask me about my well being on a Weds or Thurs because of my drunkeness from the previous Saturday night?  

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Why is it, that people who have a handicap sticker for their car can park in any spot they want, however people without a handicap sticker can only park in the non-handicap parking spots?  Shouldn't the people with handicap stickers be allowed to park in only the handicap parking spots?

That's what grindz my gears.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mic Check 1, 2

I don't understand why guys do this. However, I've walked down the street many times and hear dudes just rappin' any random rap song loud as hell like they own the street, and half the time they singing the wrong lyrics. Now it's one thing to make yourself look crazy, by all means do as you please, but why must I hear you?? Many times I wanna scream "SHUT THE HELL UP, DAMN! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE LYRICS!!"

But then I would look crazy and then everybody gonna wanna call the cops on my ass.

Chinese Restaurants...

I've started to notice that when I order chinese food, sometimes my chicken doesn't exactly taste like chicken.  Also, whenever I specify that my order needs white meat, my chicken always taste like chicken.  So, what I'm wondering is, what exactly is the other meat that I'm eating when I don't specify white meat?

That's what grindz my gears.

Happy Birthday

I'm not gonna get into anything that grindz my gears with this post.

I would just like to have a special Birthday Shoutout to one of our authors:
Miss Moniiluv.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Niggas who love liquor, but can't hold it...

We're all adults here.
Everyone has had an experience when they consumed entirely too much alcohol within a short period of time.  
Everyone has had times when they actually did have to blame their actions on the alcohol.

This post, is for the people who feel the need to consume a ridiculous amount of alcohol every chance they get.   This is for the people who have passed out numerous times in places other then their bed (not on purpose). This usually means every weekend, they go out and get sh*t faced.  If there are extended periods of time every weekend that you don't remember, this is a problem.  You should not have to get carried back to your room every Friday, or Saturday night.  Also, if you know that you have an extremely low tolerance, and think that you are might be a "light weight" when it comes to drinking, don't try and go drink for drink with someone who is already well aware of what they are doing.  Don't be a rookie trying to compete with the veterans, let them do them, and you do you.  

The fact that these people drink, is not what grindz my gears.  The part that grinds my gears is because once these people get drunk, they usually cause a scene.  And if they are with me, them causing a scene, and acting a fool while they are drunk, usually tends to mess up my buzz.  
Also, if you know that after 3 cups of a certain mixed drink, you will be have a nice buzz, and you will have a good time.  Then what is the point of having 5 or 6 cups? Now you're just asking for trouble.

That's what grindz my gears.

I'm just gonna end this post by saying: I do not promote underage drinking.

Flag on the Field...

Have you ever been playing an athletic event and you were just waiting for a break to occur, because you knew you had a beverage in your bag.  As soon as this break occurs, you rush to your bag, and dig out your drink.  You start chugging your drink, when you hear a familiar voice "Yoo, lemme get a tap." Now, you know that you don't want to give up some of your precious drink, however, since this person is your teammate and most likely also your friend, you give him his precious "tap."  However, this dick decides to put his mouth on the bottle to take it.  After he puts his mouth on the bottle, he proceeds to try and hand the bottle back to you.  At this point though, you don't want that ishhh anymore.  So, now, your response is "Naaa, I'm good.  You could keep it."  One must always wonder, did dude really just put his mouth on the bottle on purpose knowing that I was going to let him keep it?

That's what grindz my gears. 

The Individuals we call Parents

I know that we all have those parents that are over protective, overbearing, and at sometimes a little too extra with it. So we all know there comes that time in our lives when we have to call our parents for one particularly reason, like for money, to ask one quick simple question, something like that. The other day i had to call my pops to get money to pay for my room deposit, instead of just giving me only the credit card information, he started to hold a conversation and asking me all sorts of questions about school and this, that and the third. All in all, that grinds my gear when they add all the extra instead of take care of what we ask for.

Imaginary Players...

This post is for that person who came to college and decided to try and re-invent themself. I know that college is considered the time of your life where a person actually can change the type of person they are. However, you should always remember that you can't completely change who you are, without completely destroying who you were. This means, that no matter how much you try and change yourself, the real, original you will always come out. Because, unless you have re-invented yourself so much, that you have no remnants of the original you, will you be completely a new person.

To put it layman's terms, no matter how "cool" you appear to be on the outside, you're still the same person you were in high school on the inside...
The two are bound to clash.

That's what grindz my gears.

Those who brag...

People who constantly brag about a certain aspect of their life tend to get on my nerves. However, it is sometimes tolerable, if the person actually is excellent at that particular skill.
BUT... If you do not excel at a particular aspect of your life, please do not brag about this skill in front of me.
Another thing is people who think they are excellent at a certain aspect of their life, but the only opinion they have is their own. If you're opinion is the only one you're going by, maybe you should ask a few people before you start to brag. Because, just be asking a few people, you could find out that instead of the superb athlete you think you are, you're merely an average athlete competing against sub-par athletes.
A lot of people who brag about a certain aspect of their life don't like to take criticism about that aspect. They think that there are so good at this aspect, that nobody could tell them what to do. However, since these people do not excel at this skill, they should realize that people are merely trying to help.

Examples for those who need it:

# 1. If you know you are an excellent football player, but you are only average in basketball, do not brag about how good you are in basketball. If you want to brag about how good you are in football, thats cool, you'll still be annoying, but at least you'll be able to back it up. However, once I see you on a basketball court, and see that you are merely an average basketball player, everything you critique after that is in question.

#2. You think you are an excellent basketball player, because you are always beating your little brother and his friends in basketball. You are dominating when you play against them. You decide to go play against your friends your own age, and realize that you are only capable of the same things as them. You have just found out that you are not the excellent basketball player you think you are. You now know you are just an average basketball player for your own age.

That's what grindz my gears.

That First...."I Love You"

That first...."I love you!" or "I think what we have s stronger than like, don't you?" is one of the most difficult situations a boyfriend may encounter. What grinds our gears is the fact that some women actually get upset when their boyfriend doesn't instantly respond back with "I love you too!" Let's analyze these situations for a second, rather than be upset at your boyfriend's delayed reaction why not wonder if he is making sure his words are true. The boyfriend who has been in a relationship for 3 weeks and believes that he's in love is a FOOL!!! Women, you should respect your man's delayed response as him going down his mental checklist on the emotion of love. True love takes time, so a quick response either means the man is whipped or lying, BE patient! The first time a girl told me they loved me, I said thank you, and 2 days later I realizedI felt the same way, in a different relationship I replied simply with "Okay"but later that day realized that this emotion was there for a good period of time, I just didn't know how to spit the words. All in all, don't rush saying the 3 words which mean so many words, but understand that the truth is what matters.

That annoying kid...

Have you ever been in a class in elementary, middle, or high school, when you and the rest of the class were just counting down the last 60 seconds or so, for the bell to ring. When, that one kid, decides to ask the teacher, one of these questions, "Is there any homework Mrs. __________?" or "I don't get it, can you please go over it again?" Most of the time, the answers to these questions is either, "Well, since you asked, I'm sure I could find something for the class to do tonight." It would be even worse when the teacher would try and protect the kid, by saying "It's not his fault, I was going to give homework anyway." The teacher knows damn well that they were not going to give homework.

My favorites were those couple of teachers that also voiced their opinion about the annoying kid. The teacher might sometimes say "Now why would you even ask that? If I was your classmate, I would wanna kick your ass right now. I wasn't planning on giving you guys any homework tonight." I distinctly even remeber one teacher saying "Well, since you wanna ask for homework for the whole class, how about I give you homework and not them."

All in all, those people that always feel the need to ask if there's homework, should have just paid more attention during the actual class so they could have heard if there was any homework.

That's what grindz my gears.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Disney Channel Stars

Hillary Duff
The girl from Drake and Josh
Orlando Brown
The whole High School Musical Cast
The girl from Phil of the Future
Amanda Bynes
Chelsea from Thats So Raven
Corbin Bleu
Zack and Cody
Brenda Song

What do they all have in common?? Well, they are all actors/actresses who suddenly become singers.  None of these people would get any record deal without a TV show.  So why is it that they continue to be given camera time for singing when it is not nearly their specialty?? It really grinds my gears

College Professors... Part 1

This is another thing, that I feel everyone on a college campus has experienced.

Have you ever experienced the college professor who decides to keep you in class longer then need be? I mean, those college professors who are finished with their lesson plans 15 minutes before the class is scheduled to end, so they decide to wing it for the last 15 minutes of class, instead of letting the class go early. Why not just let us out early? Wouldn't that make the professor have a longer break inbetween their classes?

That's what grindz my gears.

Tha Intro

Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to the very first blog of "What Grindz Our Gears." I go by the name of M Dot, and I'll be one of the authors for this blog. This blog will consist of thoughts, statements, opinions, and sometimes even testimonials of Smooth Jay, Prince O, S. Diddy, Nay, Monii and myself. We will be discussing situations that occur on a daily basis for many people, that do nothing but annoy you.

I'll start with the first thing that grinds our gears.

This is one thing that grinds my gears, that I encounter hundreds of times on this college campus:

I'm pretty sure everyone who is reading this has gotten into a situation where they were walking someplace just trying to get to their destination. While you are doing this, some person who is oblivious to the rest of the world cuts in front of you, and then proceeds to walk slower then the pace at which you were already walking.

That's what grindz my gears.