Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thank you...

Thank you may be one of the simplest phrases that is used all over the world.  However, even though it is so simple, people seem to overlook this phrase at all times.  
I know that I'm not the only person who has held a door open for someone who was several steps behind me, and then when the person finally gets to the door, they just walk right through, as if you were supposed to be holding the door for them.  What really grindz my gears is when the person is walking at a slow pace, and sees that I'm holding the door, and decides to either keep walking at the slow pace, or slow to an even slower pace.  I mean, are they serious? Do they think they are entitled for everyone to wait on them hand and foot?

Also, another thing that really grindz my gears with thanking people is the "Hand Wave" while driving.  All drivers know exactly what I'm talking about.  How many people reading this have been driving somewhere, and they see someone trying to get into their lane, so they let the person in.  This person then proceeds to cut infront of you, and does not give the simple hand wave gesture as a sign of thanking you.  Is the hand wave that hard of a movement that people can't simply raise their hand and wave it?

That's what grindz my gears.

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