Monday, April 27, 2009

Random People...

This is another topic that I feel everybody should be able to relate to.  The topic at hand right now, is when random people decide they wish to talk to you.  Now, sometimes, depending on where you are, and who is talking to you, this may not grind my gears, however, the majority of the time, it's annoying.  
Just because you are bored, and you want someone to talk to, does NOT mean that I feel the same way.  If we are both waiting in line for something, and we both are there by ourselves, you should not feel obligated to talk to me just because we're both rollin' solo.  Naa. If anything, you should think that I chose to go solo, and that I don't want anyone talking to me. 
Now, you will never be able to know right off the bat if someone doesn't mind being talked to, or not.  So, there are steps that you should take to find out.  The first step, is how are they answering the questions? I know that if I don't want to be talked to, and someone is constantly talking to me, I will only respond with one word responses. Or, if the statement can't be responded to with one word, I'll make sure that I used the least amount of words possible to respond.
If I have used your one word responses, and the person still hasn't realized that I don't want to be bothered, then the next step to take is stop verbal communcation.  When I say stop verbal communication, you may say, well then how are  you supposed to respond? The way that I respond is by body language.  Shrug, head nod, wave your finger, just make sure that you don't talk.

Thats what grindz my gears.

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