Sunday, April 26, 2009

Leash your dog...

I don't think I'm the only person who feels some type of way about this topic.  Yet, I seem to see this happen all the time.  Why do people walk their dogs, and hold the leash in their hands, instead of putting the dog on the leash? If you are just going to hold the leash in your hand, and let your dog walk freely, then why even bring the leash out the house? Better yet, why even buy the leash?

Just yesterday, I was at my job, waiting in line to pick up my uniform, and as I was waiting, I noticed that a lot of people decided to walk their dogs that morning.  Now, even though I don't like dogs, I had no problem with the people walking them, because dogs like the fresh air.  However, I started seeing more and more dogs walking freely with their owners walking a good  5-10 paces behind them, holding the leash in their hand.  Now, the thought that crossed my mind of course was "Why isn't the leash on the dog?" So perhaps, they were waiting for their dog to attack someone, and then after that they would put the leash on the dog. Now, the dog attack never happened, but I'm sure everyone could understand where I'm coming from.  These people were waiting for something to happen in order to put the leash on the dog.  If the leash is on the dog the whole time though, you can prevent any of that stuff from happening.  Without a leash on the dog, the dog could even just freely run away from you if they wanted to.

All in all, I guess what this post is about is, why have a leash for your dog if you're not going to use it?

That's what grindz my gears.

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