Thursday, April 30, 2009

Commercials Pt. 1

U know what really grindz my gears??

Why is it that when watching tv, the commercials are soo much louder then the actual program the channel is showing at the time? This causes people to turn the volume up when they wanna watch the show, only to turn the volume down drastically when the show goes to a commercial break? How come the actual show can't have the same loudness as the commercial?

Know Your Order.

I know I'm not the only person who has waited on an extremely long food line, not by choice, but because that was the only food availble to you at that present time.  Now, when waiting on this line, it seems like I'm always stuck behind the person, who is too engrossed in their conversation be it with someone who is with them, or whoever they're talking to on the phone, and they aren't aware that the line is moving.  As if this person wasn't already annoying for not moving with the line, when they finally get to the front of the line, they don't know what they want.  Now, how you gon' wait on line for 5 or more minutes at a fast food restaurant, and then you don't even know what you want when you get to the front? I mean, if you didn't know what the restaurant sold, then maybe you wanted to try a new experience, I could accept that... But, why haven't you looked at the menu yet, you've had 5 minutes to do nothing but look at it, and see what you want.
This is just something I don't understand, how can you wait online for something for a while, get to the front and the person at the register says "What would you like today", and the response is "ummmmm, I think I want a #2.. Wait. No, a 4.. Wait. No, a 6. Wait. Ummmm.. Hold up, I need to ask my friend what they always get." Why haven't you already asked them?
That's what you shoulda been doing when you were waiting on line this whole time.

That's what grindz my gears.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Random People...

This is another topic that I feel everybody should be able to relate to.  The topic at hand right now, is when random people decide they wish to talk to you.  Now, sometimes, depending on where you are, and who is talking to you, this may not grind my gears, however, the majority of the time, it's annoying.  
Just because you are bored, and you want someone to talk to, does NOT mean that I feel the same way.  If we are both waiting in line for something, and we both are there by ourselves, you should not feel obligated to talk to me just because we're both rollin' solo.  Naa. If anything, you should think that I chose to go solo, and that I don't want anyone talking to me. 
Now, you will never be able to know right off the bat if someone doesn't mind being talked to, or not.  So, there are steps that you should take to find out.  The first step, is how are they answering the questions? I know that if I don't want to be talked to, and someone is constantly talking to me, I will only respond with one word responses. Or, if the statement can't be responded to with one word, I'll make sure that I used the least amount of words possible to respond.
If I have used your one word responses, and the person still hasn't realized that I don't want to be bothered, then the next step to take is stop verbal communcation.  When I say stop verbal communication, you may say, well then how are  you supposed to respond? The way that I respond is by body language.  Shrug, head nod, wave your finger, just make sure that you don't talk.

Thats what grindz my gears.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Leash your dog...

I don't think I'm the only person who feels some type of way about this topic.  Yet, I seem to see this happen all the time.  Why do people walk their dogs, and hold the leash in their hands, instead of putting the dog on the leash? If you are just going to hold the leash in your hand, and let your dog walk freely, then why even bring the leash out the house? Better yet, why even buy the leash?

Just yesterday, I was at my job, waiting in line to pick up my uniform, and as I was waiting, I noticed that a lot of people decided to walk their dogs that morning.  Now, even though I don't like dogs, I had no problem with the people walking them, because dogs like the fresh air.  However, I started seeing more and more dogs walking freely with their owners walking a good  5-10 paces behind them, holding the leash in their hand.  Now, the thought that crossed my mind of course was "Why isn't the leash on the dog?" So perhaps, they were waiting for their dog to attack someone, and then after that they would put the leash on the dog. Now, the dog attack never happened, but I'm sure everyone could understand where I'm coming from.  These people were waiting for something to happen in order to put the leash on the dog.  If the leash is on the dog the whole time though, you can prevent any of that stuff from happening.  Without a leash on the dog, the dog could even just freely run away from you if they wanted to.

All in all, I guess what this post is about is, why have a leash for your dog if you're not going to use it?

That's what grindz my gears.

Monday, April 20, 2009

What's the Point???

"It's odd to know you'll succeed while also being aware of your limitations."

What's the point in not being true to your mind, at the end of the day, when your ready to finally go to sleep, and you take that last look in to the mirror, the only person your gonna see 99.9% of the time is you!!!, stripped of any of the stories you tell your friends, and lies you tell your frienemies. What truely grinds my gears are people that don't see the obvious truth within themselves.
Be who you say that you are and allow your "reputation" to be represented by your actions and not have your actions try to live up to your reputation. Be honest with yourself as a person.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Is that your final answer..?

Why do some people make the simplest thing seem like a life changing decision?

If you're unsure what I mean, I'm talking bout the people who can't choose between the blue shirt or the green shirt, the skinny jeans or the bootcut jeans, buy the sandwich or get the meal, get the gift card or just buy a gift oorrrr just give money.. & the list goes on..

Half the time Sometimes
Let me start over.

A MAJORITY of the time, it's not even that serious. I'm sure if you just closed your eyes and pointed, flipped a coin, or called a friend and told them to pick 'A' or 'B', whatever the decision turned out to be would have little to no effect on the natural outcome of your life.

And if it does..

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thank you...

Thank you may be one of the simplest phrases that is used all over the world.  However, even though it is so simple, people seem to overlook this phrase at all times.  
I know that I'm not the only person who has held a door open for someone who was several steps behind me, and then when the person finally gets to the door, they just walk right through, as if you were supposed to be holding the door for them.  What really grindz my gears is when the person is walking at a slow pace, and sees that I'm holding the door, and decides to either keep walking at the slow pace, or slow to an even slower pace.  I mean, are they serious? Do they think they are entitled for everyone to wait on them hand and foot?

Also, another thing that really grindz my gears with thanking people is the "Hand Wave" while driving.  All drivers know exactly what I'm talking about.  How many people reading this have been driving somewhere, and they see someone trying to get into their lane, so they let the person in.  This person then proceeds to cut infront of you, and does not give the simple hand wave gesture as a sign of thanking you.  Is the hand wave that hard of a movement that people can't simply raise their hand and wave it?

That's what grindz my gears.

How was your_______...

This isn't so much of a "what grindz my gears" but more of just a thought.  

Why is it that after a holiday, vacation, or the summer, people always seem to ask you how was it?
I know that it is being polite, however, do people really care?
I have had many people tell me that they didn't care, but they were just accustomed to doing so.  I also know that there are some people who I ask, and I really care how it was, and then there are others, who I ask just because I also think it is the right thing to do.  

Is this just a custom in our society, to try and avoid awkard silences, or are there a lot of people out there who genuinely care, that I just don't know about?