Thursday, May 7, 2009

Silence is Golden.

This is something that I just don't seem to understand.  Why do certain people feel the need to constantly talk just because nobody else is talking? Sometimes, people would like to just sit in silence, and do whatever they were doing, whether it be watching tv, listening to music, doing some form of work, or even just chillin' around, relaxing.  Just because nobody is talking, one should not feel obligated to speak.  Sometimes, I think that certain people just like the sound of their own voice.
I was told before, that the reason why some people can't sit in silence is because they don't feel comfortable enough around other people they're with. This makes them feel as if they need to speak to break the awkward, and uncomfortable silence.  My response to that is: 
Just because one must speak to feel comfortable, they should realize that maybe them speaking is making other people uncomfortable.  People constantly speaking about nothing tends to get annoying a lot faster then people sitting in silence.  Sometimes, it gets to the point of someone talking so much unneccesarily, that when it comes time for them to tell me something important, I just block it out, because I'm so used to the aimless chatter.  In certain cases, just hearing the person's voice may agitate me.

I know that I can't be the only person who feels this way.


  1. Yoo my nigga i definitely feel you kid.. i think we need to have a deep discussion about that topic.
